C Programming Solution, Conditional, Looping, Array, Pointer, Structure, File Handling, Linked List Problem Solution in C Language. Specifically Created for Students of Gujarat Technological University (GTU) subject code 2110003.
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C Program Hello World
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/*Write a Program to display “Hello World” on the screen.*/ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Hello World"); return 0; }
/* Write a Program to Find largest odd number from given 1-D Array. */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int a[10],i,n=10,max=0,j=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("Enter Value at a[%d] : ",i); scanf("%d",&a[i]); if(a[i]%2==1) { if(j==0) { max=a[i]; j++; } else { if(max<a[i]) { max=a[i]; } } } } if(j==0) { printf("There is no Odd Value in Array"); } else { printf(" Largest Odd value in Array is : %d",max); } return 0; }
/* C Program doing Swapping using Bitwise Operator */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i=10,j=20; printf("\n Before Swapping : i =%d j=%d",i,j); i^=j^=i^=j; printf("\n After Swapping : i =%d j=%d",i,j); return 0; }
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